Skin Care & Aesthetics

Skin Care

We Can Slow the Aging Process

Losing elasticity and strength in our skin is an issue that we need to address as early as possible to avoid further damage.

While aging is an inherent fact of life, it’s not necessary that we let it get out of hand. We can do something about these changes and hold them off as long as possible.

So, don’t let fine lines and wrinkles be your starting point to get on the ball and look at the condition of your skin.

We offer a complimentary skin care consultation to provide you with a Medical insightful care plan to correct your skin concerns using the most beneficial treatments before visible changes are apparent.

Schedule your appointment online now


How long does the procedure take?

Coolsculpting is done in cycles per area treated. One cycle can take 35 minutes or up to 75 minutes. Multiple cycles can be done on the same day.

Are there any side effects?

Numbness to the treated area is common for a few weeks. Some patients may experience a tingling sensation or nerve pain following the procedure and should contact their medical personal if this occurs.

When will I see results?

You may see results as early as a few weeks after the treatment but full results can take up to 3 months.

Can areas be retreated?

Yes, even though full results can take 3 months and area can be retreated as early as 4-6 weeks after the first treatment.

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